Metairie Prostitution Lawyer

Prostitution is the act of performing sex acts in exchange for something of value, often money. A conviction carries serious penalties, especially for those previously convicted of the crime. Prosecutors and police are known for aggressively pursuing these cases and often use deception and sting operations to secure convictions.

If you have been arrested for this offense, you have the right to fight back with the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney. This charge is often defensible, meaning you may be able to avoid a guilty verdict or a mark on your record. A Metairie prostitution lawyer could review the facts and identify your best defense strategy.

What Counts as Prostitution?

Any attempt to exchange sexual conduct with another person for goods, services, or money is considered prostitution under state law. A person could be guilty of a crime even if this exchange is never completed. The same penalties apply when an individual agrees to this transaction, even if the sexual encounter never occurs.

Typically, this arrangement involves the payment of money. However, a defendant could be convicted of obtaining something of value other than cash. This might include valuable services, personal property, or even illegal drugs.

Penalties for a Prostitution Conviction

The penalties for conviction of this crime can vary significantly. All these offenses carry the risk of jail time, but some are treated more harshly than others. A prostitution attorney in Metairie can work to resolve these charges without the need for incarceration.

When an individual is convicted of prostitution, the number of prior convictions will play a major role in determining their punishment. A first-time offender faces up to six months in jail and a maximum fine of $500, although it is not uncommon for them to avoid additional jail time.

A second offense can lead to up to two years in prison, with fines ranging from $250 to $2,000. Third or subsequence convictions each carry a maximum term of four years in prison, with fines reaching $4,000.

Options for Defense

The support of strong legal counsel can make a tremendous amount of difference in the outcome of these cases. With the help of a Metairie prostitution attorney, the accused could build a strong defense that shows a judge or jury they are not guilty of the crime they are charged with.

One common strategy is to hold the state to its burden of proof and argue the evidence is not strong enough to support a conviction. Prosecutors have the duty of proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high standard.

A defense option that is less common but still frequently successful in these cases is entrapment. A defendant is entrapped when law enforcement forces them to commit a crime they would not have done on their own. This can happen in sting operations when law enforcement officers place someone in duress unless they agree to commit a prostitution offense.

Call a Metairie Prostitution Attorney Today

You may feel hopeless after being charged with prostitution, but a strong defense can help you beat these charges and avoid a conviction in many cases. Contact a Metairie prostitution lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your defense options.


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